Penang International Dragon Boat Festival 2008
Venue:Teluk Bahang Dam, Penang, Malaysia
6th Club Crew World Championships & 8th ADBF Asian Dragon Boat Championships
Organiser: The 2008 CCWC and ADBC are being organized on behalf of the IDBF by the Organizing Committee of the Penang Dragon Boat Association to whom all entries are to be submitted.
Invitation: On behalf of the Executive Committees’ and Councils’ of the International Dragon Boat Federation (IDBF) and the Asian Dragon Boat Federation (ADBF), together with the Penang Dragon Boat Association Organizing Committee we cordially invite IDBF Member Associations to participate in the 8th IDBF Club Crew World Championships (2008 CCWC) and ADBF Member Associations to participate in the 8th Asian Dragon Boat Championships (2008 ADBC) to be held at the Teluk Bahang Dam, Penang, Malaysia from Thursday 31st July 2008 to Sunday, 3rd August 2008.
Entry: Entry to the 2008 CCWC is open to all IDBF Member Associations and their sanctioned club crews. Club crews in countries where there is no IDBF Member Associations may apply to the IDBF Executive Committee for permission to compete, through the Championships Director.
IDBF Member Associations may enter up to five club crews in each Competition Class. Each club crew is to consist of a maximum of 26 competitors including drummer and steersperson (Helm). You are reminded that a competitor can only represent one club during the competition and, while the nationality rule does not apply, competitors must be bona fide members of the club crew they represent.
That is, competitors must have been in paid membership of the Club Crew that they represent and trained with that Club, for at least six (6) months before the Championships start. Championships’ races will be held on Friday, August 1 to Sunday August 3, 2008, with July 31st as a Reserve Racing day or Practise Day dependant on the number of crews participating. The watercourse is located on a fresh water reservoir and complies with the IDBF Competition Regulations for a Club Crew World Championship and Continental Championships. The race course will be fully buoyed and there will be platforms for held starts at 200 and 500 metres.
The 2008 CCWC will consist of the following Competition Classes:
Premier, Junior U18, Senior O40, Grand Dragons 050) - 200m, 500m and 2000m.
(Premier,) over 200m, 500m and 2000m)(Junior U18, Senior O40, Grand Dragons 050) - 200m, 500m.
(Premier, Junior, Senior O40, Grand Dragons 050) - 200m, 500m and 2000m.
Please note that it may be necessary to limit the number of crews participating in the 2000m races. Entries will be taken on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.
The 2008 ADBC will consist of the following Competition Classes:
Standard Boat (22 crew) over 200m, 500m and 1000m.Small Boat (12 crew) over 200m and 500m
Standard Boat (22 crew) over 200m, 500m and 1000m.Small Boat (12 crew) over 200m and 500m
Standard Boat (22 crew) over 200m, 500m and 1000m.Small Boat (12 crew) over 200m and 500m
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